ALULA is a Kelly Peterson 46, a legendary blue water cruiser built in 1985 at Queen Long Marine Yard in Taiwan. A total of 30 Kelly Peterson 46’s were built and ALULA is hull #18. The Kelly Peterson 46 is an evolution of the Kelly Peterson 44, and both models enjoy a distinguished lineage. The KP44 came about in the 1970’s when Jack Kelly, a California based yacht broker, had an idea for what he thought would be the ideal cruising boat. He partnered with Doug Peterson, a renowned racing boat designer, and together they created what is widely recognized as the first generation of performance cruisers.
The Peterson’s are known to be fast, comfortable and safe passage makers. The KP44 is mentioned in the Used Boat Notebook as one of the top 10 used boats to sail around the world. In the words of legendary sailing author John Kretschmer: “The Peterson is a fine sailing boat, indeed, it is one of the best performers in it’s class. .. The Peterson just may be the best value available in a roomy center-cockpit cruiser that really sails well. The boat is an excellent combination of design, construction and aesthetics.”
We were drawn to ALULA based on her legendary sailing and construction characteristics, and… she is BEAUTIFUL!! Plus, we plan on having many friends and family visit during our adventure and the completely private double cabins, heads and showers will be a real plus. Oh, and the double fridge and freezer means cold refreshing drinks and cocktails will always be on hand. And what does ALULA mean? It’s latin for winglet.
You can read about our previous boat Leela here. We loved her very much too.